BakaNews |
2:00 PM
And so the story ends.... This is probably the last (yes LAST) update on this site. Boo hoo. I actually had a
lot of fun, but I learned that drawing comics isn't for me. I'd love to be the writer for a comic in the future but until then.. Sigh.. Until then.
Anyway I will have a new site up and running. It's not a comic or anything, it is a site, just for me. You can find it here. Just in case you did not catch that link click here. Or go to It has nothing yet, not even a main page, but check the date of this post. If it is at least a day later, then the site should
have something. Let it be my final gasp. This site will still be up so people can see my comics, see my room and computer, and stuff like that.
Cless is rather site-less, but if you give him or I a shout on ICQ in the future I'm sure we could tell you. See you there.
*Note: Amends were made to website address*
2:00 PM
ph34r 7h3 b33r Canada day! I'll be in Portugal though. Sad sad. I wanted to put up some comics but I
REALLY don't feel like using this damn computer. I've had way too much in book marking my place in the other comics so I know where to read
from. So... No comics. There will be something but it's rather pointless. Have a good time.
6:07 PM
NEWSFLASH!!!!!!! BAKANEKO IS A MORON!! Heh ehe heh. I am a moron aren't I? Turns out the general
e-mail isn't but !! Looks like all your well thought out hatemail was not getting to us. Too bad so
sad. If you sent anything in the past feel free to send it again. It is rather pointless now. Still though, you can have a lot of fun.
1:00 AM
It's true.
Yes yes. Tis dead. I was never planning it on being permanent. It was more of a test. I might make a NEW comic later on. This was only a test to
see my drawing style and if I liked to do comics. I did enjoy making this comic but it's 3 month run has ended. It wasn't around long enough to
get any fans, so there isn't anyone who will want to know this but you could check back to see if I have started a new comic. Anyway, it was
fun, thanks for reading.
7:25 PM
It's ComicSoviet week!!!! I get to make fun of Comic Soviet! Well, actually..... Hlagh, you'll see. I take
all three comic days. Don't look for Cless' comic. I've recently started playing FF7 and Magic again. Damn they're addictive. Ahhh
back hurts. It really hurts. REALLY HURTS. So I'll end the news here and go and lick my wounds.
6:05 PM
Once I was the King of Spain.. However now I am inclined to eat humble pie.
Yay! I have joined 2 Canadian comic things! Yeah... It's cool. Next week will be ComicSoviet
week. I get to make fun of Comic Soviet! Well, actually..... Hlagh, you'll see. I take all three comic days for it so don't expect Cless' comic on
Wednesday. I have looked at the comics stats and I wonder.. Do we have regular readers?? Attendance seems to increase on comic
days and attendance is high at 1:00. I know this not me because I only get off school at 2:40 and get home after 3:00. Maybe it's a glitch or
6:00 PM
Prururruururu tutututututut prururuurur
Let's all laugh at Comic Soviet!!! HAhahahahaHAHhahahAhAhHAhahahhHHHahhahahha.
Seriously though. The comics at that site are only slightly more exciting than putting quadratic equations in laymans terms. UPDATES:
NONE!!!! Well I have a new background up. It's black with the map of the london tube in the middle. It also has has a little abstract poem I
wrote on it to mortify the guilty and straight out paralyze the innocent. Even MORE comics that I read now. I put the links to them up. You'll notice
at the top the Comics from Canada thing. Go there. NOW!!!!!!! Who knew Tang and Clay were Canadian? Who knew?? Speaking of
Tang... HE STOLE MY IDEA!!!! I had an upcoming 'make fun of Comic Soviet week' in my comic. It had stick figure americans pretending to be
Russian! Now when my comics go up my whole fanbase of .06 people will think I copied him!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
*Note: Tang Stole my idea in Sunday Morning Coffee*
3:30 PM
Well, AGAIN Cless does not have his comic. So I'll have to cook up something for tomorrow. It will be a comic, not a filler. I'm warning you in
advance that this comic will be strange. I have changed my art style. I have done some comics in advance. The style changes at about the
ninth comic. However, tomorrows comic will have the new style and then on friday it will be back to the old style. The GREATEST
DIRECTOR EVER is Kevin Smith. You may know his work as 'Jay and Silent Bob' movies. Mallrats is the funniest movie ever made.
Dogma is right next to it. I have yet to see Chasing Amy but I'm sure it's just as good. Dogma has changed the way I think about religon. I
used to be an atheist for the simple reason that no religons made sense to me. I always thought they were filled with corrupted messages and
ridiculous morals. However, I too, was short minded. Dogma helped me see that maybe religons have been corrupted but only at a human
level. God can exist but God is not necesarily the god of Christianity or Muslimism etc. So yeah.
6:08 PM
I'm on the outside and I'm looking in.
Sigh.. It's spring again. A time for new beginnings. Spring makes me depressed. Outside. I should be outside. For some reason I would rather
sit here on my computer. Why? Why am I? Nobody goes to this site. Nobody. That's okay though. It's just a bit like talking to a wall.
Hmm.. I just realized that the poll is now irrelevent. I must change it.
4:45 PM
Cless' comic won't be up tomorrow. No no no. A busy week has prevented Cless from finishing the comic. So
one of my fillers is going up. Bakabakabakabakaba. Currently I am reading 'Cue for Treason' for english class. I think that Geoffrey
Trease is a good writer. He writes quite well in an interesting style. However the story is boring. It is terrible. If dear old Geoffrey had written
about some more interesting topic, then he would have been one of my favourite authors. Just for the record Tad Williams is my favourite author
with his series 'Otherland' and 'Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn'. Why did I just give that brief commentary of 'Cue for Treason'? I have no clue.
BUT YOU DO!!!!!@*(&%(@^%&^@%!!!!!!